NYT Connections today hints and answers — Monday, November 11 (#519)

Looking for today’s Connections answers? The Connections answers on November 11 for puzzle #519 are a smidge easier than yesterday’s puzzle, with the Connections Companion rating this puzzle’s difficulty at 2.8 out of 5.
Every day, we update this article with Connections hints and tips to help you find all 4 of today’s answers. And if the hints aren’t enough, you’ll find all 4 answers below, with the category titles and the correlating words. Plus, we’re including a reflection on yesterday’s puzzle, #518, in case you’re reading this in a different time zone.
Spoilers lie ahead for Connections #519. Only read on if you want to know today’s Connections answers.
Alternatively, visit our how to play NYT Connections guide for tips on how to solve the puzzle without our help.
As reminder, the Tech Guild of the New York Times is on strike and have requested that people not play games on the NYT games app or online. They have created a strike edition website which has the same puzzles if you would prefer not to cross the picket line.
Today’s Connections answer — hints to help you solve it
Unlike our guide to today’s Wordle answer, where we recommend the best Wordle start words as your strategy, solving Connections relies on identifying connecting categories among 16 words. Each category’s difficulty level is represented by a color; yellow is the easiest grouping, and purple is the most challenging. Once you’ve made 4 mistakes in your guesses, the answers will be revealed, so hints can be helpful.
If you need hints to solve the groupings, then here are the themes of each, based on the order of difficulty:
- 🟨 Yellow: Chocolate bars
- 🟩 Green: Gist
- 🟦 Blue: Kinds of bras
- 🟪 Purple: ___ bird
These hints should get you at least some of the way towards finding today’s Connections answers. If not, then you can read on for bigger clues; or, if you just want to know the answer, then scroll down further.
Here’s a larger hint: Brainstorm some iconic birds, make sure the girls are secured, and dive into any leftover Halloween candy you have to solve today’s puzzle.
Today’s Connections answers
So, what are today’s Connections answers for game #519?
Drumroll, please…
- 🟨 Chocolate bars: Crunch, dove, mars, payday
- 🟩 Gist: Core, meat, substance, thrust
- 🟦 Kinds of bras: Demi, push-up, sports, wireless
- 🟪 ____ bird: Big, early, lady, sue
Demi threw me for a loop at first, but once I saw Push-Up, I instantly knew what the connection had to be before rounding out the rest of the blue category with Sports and Wireless.
There’s plenty of Halloween candy still left over in my house, so it’s little wonder why the yellow category came to me next with Crunch, Dove, Mars, and Payday — all confections I doled out by the handful but still managed to barely make a dent in our stock. (I ran out last year and think I might have gone a tad overboard this time around.)
I’m a huge Greta Gerwig fan, so when I saw Early and Lady were two of the clues left, I was immediately on a hunt for other bird-related words. Big was an easy guess, and I threw in Sue on a lark and ended up solving the purple category.
Green was today’s rote fill with Core, Meat, Subtance, and Thrust, which gave me enough of an idea to accurately guess the connection.
Yesterday’s Connections answers
Reading this in a later time zone? Here are the Connections answers for game #518, which had a difficulty rating of 3 out of 5, according to the Connections Companion.
I came out swinging yesterday by solving the purple category in no time flat. Saloon Doors and Pendulum just immediately screamed “things that swing” to me, so with that in mind I took a guess adding Golfer and, well, Swing to the mix and it paid off.
Next, we swung to the opposite end of the difficulty spectrum with the yellow category with Cask, Cylinder, Drum, and Tank.
After that came green. At first, I thought the connection related to herding and kept trying to shoehorn Cowboy in, but once I realized that was a dead end, it became obvious that Pilot, Shepherd, Steer, and Usher were all synonyms for guiding something.
That made the blue category today’s rote fill with Cowboy, Jet, Ram, and Raven, which was lucky for me because I know next to nothing about football so I doubt I’d been able to get that on my own.
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